Retreat - At least once a year we pick a site to have a sewing retreat at the members own expense.
Sewing Bee/Skill Builder - Our guild members meet and bring an array of sewing projects they are working on the 4th Thursday of the month from 9-3 (except November and December) at Gashland United Methodist Church, 7715 N. Oak Trafficway, Kansas City, MO. There is often a quilt project coordinated by one of the members for participants to work on.
Memory Makers - This group also meets on the 4th Thursday at Gashland United Methodist Church. They baste quilts that need to be hand quilted. Each lady that helps baste a quilt logs her time. For every four hours she bastes, she receives one quilt basted for $1. If you are a member of the guild but have not previously basted any quilts and you'd like a quilt basted, the fee is $20. This fee is also applicable to people outside our guild.
Charity Quilts - Members donate quilts to organizations such as Northland Hospice, Quilts of Valor, Baby Grace.
Library - We maintain an extensive library of quilting-related books that may be checked out by our members.
Peer to Peer Classes - Quilt techniques taught by our members.
Mini Groups - Small groups meet to work on a technique or type of quilt such as Crazy Quilt, Panels, Wool Work, or Quilts of Valor. The groups meet monthly in homes or library meeting rooms.
Northland Needler's Quilt Show - We hold a biennial quilt show in September in conjunction with the Nitetime Needlers Guild. The quilt show includes vendors, a bazaar, silent auction, special exhibits, and of course approximately 100 exquisite handmade quilts. Please click here for more details about the Quilt Show.
Kansas City Regional Quilt Festival - This festival originated in 2015 and will be held every two years. We are proud to be a supporter of this fabulous show. Please click here for the Regional Quilt Festival website.